What is Bug Bounty?

A bug bounty program is a crowdsourced initiative where organizations offer rewards, typically monetary, to individuals who discover and report bugs, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses in their software, websites, or systems. These programs encourage ethical hackers and security researchers to find and disclose potential security issues before malicious actors exploit them. Bug bounty programs help organizations improve their security posture by identifying and fixing vulnerabilities proactively.

Bug bounty companies.

There are several companies that offer bug bounty platforms and services to help organizations manage their bug bounty programs efficiently. Some popular bug bounty platforms include:

1. HackerOne: One of the largest bug bounty platforms, connecting organizations with a global community of ethical hackers to identify security vulnerabilities.

2. Bugcrowd: Another well-known bug bounty platform that enables organizations to crowdsource cybersecurity testing and vulnerability disclosure.

3. Synack: Synack's platform combines human intelligence with machine learning to provide continuous and scalable security testing services.

4. Cobalt: Cobalt offers a community of vetted security researchers and a platform for organizations to run managed bug bounty programs.

5. YesWeHack: A European-based bug bounty platform that facilitates responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities and offers triage and mediation services.

These companies provide platforms, tools, and support for organizations looking to establish and manage bug bounty programs effectively.

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