What is CERT ?

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a program that is designed to empower and educate individuals and communities for effective disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. It is a nationally recognized training program that allows ordinary citizens to play an important role in their community’s disaster response efforts. Here are the key points to understand about what CERT is and how it works.

1. Background

CERT was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1985 in response to the devastating earthquake in Mexico City. The program was introduced to the United States in 1993 and has since spread to many communities across the country. The purpose of CERT is to train individuals to be better prepared for hazards that may affect their community and to assist in disaster response efforts when professional responders may be overwhelmed.

2. Training

CERT training is provided for free and is open to anyone regardless of age or physical ability. The training can vary in length but usually consists of 20 hours of instruction, which may be spread over several weeks. Trained CERT members are taught basic disaster preparedness, such as first aid, fire safety, light search and rescue, and team organization. The training also includes an introduction to the Incident Command System, which is a standardized management system used by emergency responders to coordinate and manage a response.

3. Teamwork

CERT commands and organizes teams in the same way as professional emergency responders. Volunteers are divided into teams and each team is given a leader who has completed additional training. This leader acts as the team’s liaison with professional responders and helps to direct team members during a disaster. Teamwork is a key component of CERT, and by working together, volunteers can effectively assist response efforts and minimize the impact of a disaster.

4. Activation

CERT volunteers respond to disasters at the request of emergency responders. When activated, CERT volunteers are responsible for assisting their team leader in carrying out assigned tasks that could include search and rescue, fire suppression, first aid, and helping to set up and manage a disaster shelter. CERT volunteers are not meant to replace professional responders, but rather to provide support and assistance until they arrive. By having trained CERT volunteers, emergency responders can focus on more critical tasks during a disaster.

5. Community Involvement

CERT is a crucial element of community involvement in emergency management. By empowering regular citizens with the knowledge and skills to help during a disaster, communities can become more resilient and prepared. In addition to responding to disasters, CERT members also play an important role in educating their communities about disaster preparedness. By hosting events and workshops, CERT volunteers can help their neighbors and peers to become better prepared.

In conclusion, CERT is a vital program that has proven to be effective in disaster preparedness and response. By providing free training to volunteers and coordinating with emergency responders, CERT allows ordinary citizens to become integral parts of their community’s disaster response efforts. If you are interested in becoming a CERT member, check with your local emergency management agency to see if the program is available in your area.

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