What are features of Java 8u421?

Java 8u421, released in July 2024, primarily includes various bug fixes, security updates, and some minor changes. Here are some of the key updates and features:

1. **Security Updates**: Java 8u421 adds new root CA certificates, specifically from GlobalSign, to the Java truststore. This improves security by ensuring that connections to certain sites are verified using updated certificates.

2. **Platform Changes**: On Linux, native executables and libraries now use `RPATH` instead of `RUNPATH`. This change affects how internal JDK libraries are located, prioritizing the embedded runtime search paths over the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable.

3. **Installation Improvements**: For users on Linux, the installation directory structure for JDK and JRE packages has changed, and each update release is now installed in its own directory. Additionally, on Windows, a new junction directory is created to simplify locating the latest installed JRE.

4. **Bug Fixes**: Several bug fixes were included, such as issues related to JavaFX WebSocket callbacks and problems with the `Pack200.newUnpacker().unpack()` method, among others.

These updates are mostly relevant to developers and system administrators who need to maintain secure and stable Java environments. Java 8 remains widely used, especially in legacy systems, and will continue to receive support until 2030.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official release notes and documentation on Oracle's website.

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