What are service endpoints?

Service endpoints provide secure and direct connectivity to Azure services over the Azure backbone network. Endpoints allow you to secure your Azure resources to only your virtual networks. Service endpoints enable private IP addresses in the virtual network to reach an Azure service without the need of an outbound public IP.

Without service endpoints, restricting access to just your virtual network can be challenging. The source IP address could change or could be shared with other customers. For example, PaaS services with shared outbound IP addresses. With service endpoints, the source IP address that the target service sees becomes a private IP address from your virtual network. This ingress traffic change allows for easily identifying the origin and using it for configuring appropriate firewall rules. For example, allowing only traffic from a specific subnet within that virtual network.

With service endpoints, DNS entries for Azure services remain as-is and continue to resolve to public IP addresses assigned to the Azure service.

In the following diagram, the right side is the same target PaaS service. On the left, there's a customer virtual network with two subnets: Subnet A which has a Service Endpoint towards Microsoft.Sql, and Subnet B, which has no Service Endpoints defined.

When a resource in Subnet B tries to reach any SQL Server, it uses a public IP address for outbound communication. The blue arrow represents this traffic. The SQL Server firewall must use that public IP address to allow or block the network traffic.

When a resource in Subnet A tries to reach a database server, it's seen as a private IP address from within the virtual network. The green arrows represent this traffic. The SQL Server firewall can now specifically allow or block Subnet A. Knowledge of the public IP address of the source service is unneeded.

Service endpoints apply to all instances of the target service. For example, all SQL Server instances of Azure customers, not just the customer's instance.

For more information, see Virtual network service endpoints

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