ABHA stands for Ayushman Bharat Health Account. It is a unique health identification system introduced by the Government of India under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). The objective of ABHA is to create a centralized and secure digital health infrastructure, enabling citizens to manage their health records and access healthcare services digitally.
Features of Ayushman Bharat Health Account:
1. Unique Health ID: ABHA provides individuals with a unique 14-digit health identification number, which allows them to create a digital health record.
2. Health Record Management: Citizens can store, manage, and share their health data (such as prescriptions, lab results, and treatment records) digitally with healthcare providers in a secure manner.
3. Interoperability: The system allows easy exchange of health data between healthcare providers and institutions, making the process of diagnosis and treatment smoother.
4. Privacy and Security: ABHA ensures that individuals have full control over their data, with features allowing consent-based access to health information.
5. Ease of Access: Individuals can use the ABHA ID to access various government healthcare schemes, facilities, and services across the country.
ABHA aims to make healthcare more efficient, transparent, and patient-centric by integrating digital solutions into the healthcare system in India.
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