What zero-waste living?

Zero-waste living is a lifestyle aimed at reducing the amount of waste generated by individuals and households, with the ultimate goal of sending no waste to landfills, incinerators, or the ocean. The philosophy is centered around minimising consumption, reusing resources, and recycling effectively, emphasising the importance of reducing one’s environmental footprint.

This approach involves making conscious decisions in everyday activities, such as:

1. Refusing single-use plastics: Avoiding items like plastic bags, straws, and bottles, and opting for reusable alternatives.

2. Reducing overall consumption: Being mindful of buying only what is necessary, avoiding excess packaging, and supporting sustainable brands.

3. Reusing and repairing: Extending the life of items by repurposing, repairing, or donating rather than discarding them.

4. Recycling properly: Sorting waste carefully to ensure it is recycled, and composting organic waste to reduce landfill contributions.

5. Supporting sustainable products: Choosing items made from natural or recycled materials, and opting for package-free or bulk shopping options.

The movement is part of a broader effort to combat the global waste problem, which has seen massive environmental consequences, such as pollution and resource depletion . Zero-waste advocates often follow the “5 R’s”: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (compost).

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