How telegram working without Mobile numbers?

Telegram recently introduced a feature allowing users to sign up without a mobile number by using blockchain-based anonymous numbers. 

How telegram working without Mobile numbers?

How telegram working.

1. Telegram’s Blockchain Platform (Fragment):

Users can purchase a unique, anonymous number through Telegram’s blockchain platform called Fragment. These numbers aren’t tied to a SIM card but are linked to the blockchain.

2. Privacy-Focused:

This feature is designed to enhance privacy. Instead of requiring a traditional phone number, users can associate their account with this blockchain-based number.

3. How It Works:

• You purchase an anonymous number from Fragment.

• Use this number to create your Telegram account or sign in.

• The process eliminates the need for a SIM card or sharing your actual phone number.

4. Use Case:

While these anonymous numbers are ideal for maintaining privacy, users can still enjoy all Telegram features, including secure chats, channels, and calls.

This feature is relatively new and part of Telegram’s ongoing efforts to improve privacy and user control.

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