
What is General Data Protection Regulation and why is it important?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation implemented by the European Union (EU) to protect the personal data and privacy of its citizens. It was adopted on 27 April 2016 and became enforceable on 25 May 2018. GDPR replaced the previou…

What is Umbrella Security?

Umbrella security typically refers to a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses various measures and tools to protect an organization's digital assets. It often includes a combination of technologies such as firewalls, antivirus softwa…

Cyber insurance and GDPR

Cyber insurance and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are interconnected, as GDPR compliance often involves managing and mitigating the risks associated with data breaches and privacy incidents. Here's how cyber insurance relates to GD…

What is data Protection Law?

Data protection laws are legal frameworks that govern the collection, processing, storage, and sharing of personal data to safeguard individuals' privacy and ensure responsible handling of their information.  These laws are designed to protect ind…

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