What is ENVS?

An external network vulnerability scan is a security assessment process that identifies and evaluates vulnerabilities in an organization's external-facing systems and networks. 

These scans are performed from outside the organization's network perimeter to simulate an attacker's perspective. The primary goal is to discover potential entry points and security weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Key aspects of an external network vulnerability scan include:

1. **Scanning Scope**: Identifying the range of IP addresses, domains, and external assets to be scanned.

2. **Automated Tools**: Using specialized software tools to scan for common vulnerabilities such as open ports, outdated software, misconfigurations, and weak passwords.

3. **Vulnerability Databases**: Comparing findings against known vulnerability databases to identify potential security issues.

4. **Reporting**: Generating detailed reports that outline discovered vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommendations for remediation.

5. **Regular Scans**: Conducting scans periodically to ensure new vulnerabilities are identified and addressed promptly.

Common tools used for external network vulnerability scanning include Nessus, OpenVAS, QualysGuard, and Rapid7 Nexpose.

Regular external vulnerability scans are essential for maintaining the security of an organization's external assets and preventing unauthorized access and attacks.

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