What is INPT?

Internal Network Penetration Testing is a type of security assessment that focuses on evaluating the vulnerabilities and security weaknesses within an organization's internal network. This testing is conducted from within the organization's network, simulating an insider threat or a scenario where an attacker has already breached the external defenses.

The objectives of internal network penetration testing include:

1. **Identifying Vulnerabilities**: Finding weaknesses in the internal network infrastructure, such as unpatched systems, misconfigurations, and outdated software.

2. **Assessing Security Controls**: Evaluating the effectiveness of internal security controls like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls.

3. **Testing User Privileges**: Checking if users have appropriate access rights and if privilege escalation is possible.

4. **Data Protection**: Ensuring that sensitive data is adequately protected and cannot be easily accessed or exfiltrated.

5. **Simulating Insider Threats**: Mimicking potential insider threats to see how well the organization can detect and respond to malicious activities from within.

6. **Compliance**: Ensuring compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements related to network security.

This type of testing helps organizations understand their internal security posture and improve defenses against internal and external threats.

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