The internet was born around 1960‟s where its access was limited to few scientist, researchers and the defense only. Internet user base have evolved expontinanlty. Initially the computer crime was only confined to making a physical damage to the compu…

What is the History of Internet ?

I don‟t know what the cold war between USA and Russia gave to the world, but defiantly the internet is one of those very useful inventions whose foundation was laid during cold war 9 days. Russia Launched the world‟s first satellite, SPUTNIK into the …

Why is Dhruv Rathee so famous ?

Dhruv Rathee is a prominent Indian YouTuber, author, and activist known for his insightful political commentary, current affairs analysis, and social activism. Dhruv Rathee is a young and influential voice in Indian media and activism. Through his You…

What is VMware App Volumes 4 ?

VMware App Volumes is a real-time application delivery system that enterprises can use to dynamically deliver and manage applications. VMware App Volumes 4, version 2212, Release Notes lists New Features, Resolved Issues, and Known Issues for this rel…

What are the process to obtain License keys for Horizon ?

Horizon is a desktop and application virtualization platform from VMware. It allows you to deliver virtual desktops and applications to end users over the network. In order to use Horizon, you need to have a valid license key. There are three major us…

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